I hate writing this as my first post because I had such high hopes for this major. I have never worked as hard. I had never had so much practice time available to me. I have never been stronger and I have never looked so forward to a competition than this one.
I let myself down .
The only thing I didn't work on was believing in myself. After all that practicing, I thought I had enough confidence to get in the top 15. I made the mistake of checking my draw numbers a day ahead and siked myself out when I saw who I would be dancing with in my rounds. I found out that this girl placed in the top 3 at worlds.Normally, I do what I always do at competitions which is to introduce myself so I don't feel intimidated by these great dancers. They are kids just like me. They love and practice Irish Dance just like me. But that didn't work this time.I had all ready resigned to defeat standing behind stage. I allowed myself to be small and not dance with the passion that I know I have.I came out flat and didn't dance the way I had in the many hours of practice prior.
Ugh. I guess no matter how much you practice, it all depends on the belief you have in yourself. Apparently I have a lot to work on this fall in preparation for Oireachtas.
That girl I was intimidated by ended up being a really nice person who was just as nervous as me standing behind stage. I hope to stay in touch with her. By the way, she won my group.
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” ― Henry Ford
photo credit: unknown
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