Monday, July 29, 2013

Irish Dancers: What is on your pre competition playlist?

My parents and I have had this conversation many times about what music  should pump and inspire me before a competition.  After all the practice is done, the only thing left at a competition to work on is your mindset. Do you believe that you can out dance and out perform the girls standing in line with you? Music has a way of putting you in that right frame of mind.   

I always laugh at the music that my mom and dad suggest that I listen to before a competition because it is so.... NOT ME!  My dad's choices come from his love of the movie, Rocky (have you seen this movie?) and his days of playing football.  My mom's choices are coming from... I don't know... a crazy ex-cheerleader / competitive business person?  Ha Ha!

Music should empower you.  

The competition

My parents want me to listen to music that fires me up to WIN so I don't lose confidence when I am waiting to dance at a competition. Music does get you in the mood for sure.

Check out my top 3 playlist here:

Check out my Mom and Dad's top 3 here:


My Dads

What is on your Pre-Competition Playlist?

Here is a little article that says that music does help athletes.

"One good thing about music,when it hits you, you feel no pain."
-Bob Marley


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