Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Flashback of 2013

2013 was a year filled with victory,triumph, emotion, and a lot of trophies. It didn't seem that way at first but I can see it now... but only after I have it written on paper. I encourage you to do the same. I definitely had some setbacks and you know what?  It still was a pretty good dance year.

January- I went to my first 2013 feis and came in third.  It knocked down my confidence  a little as it was the only feis I could attend before Worlds.


April- I danced okay at worlds but not good enough for a recall. I completed my steps and felt good but  I didn't shine like you should on that kind of stage.

May- I won a feis with a perfect score of 300 and a judge recognized my potential to win a major title one day. This boosted my confidence for NAIDC.  I love when judges give AWESOME comments!


July- I defeated myself when I saw I was dancing with the girl who got 3rd at Worlds. I psyched myself out and I knew I could never compete against such a great dancer.  Why did I say that to myself?  Why did I even bother to dance that day?  I was defeated before I even competed.

August- I got second at a feis. I danced small and didn't blow the judges away.

September- I got second at a feis again! I wasn't focused as I was too busy talking to my friends instead of getting in the zone.  I realize I need to get my mind straight before I dance.

October- I was very very focused at this feis but was not confident in my set dance.  I got my third consecutive second.

November- Oireachtas time.  I felt pretty good as I was practicing and training the way I should.  I was extremely focused and blew all my rounds out of the park. Despite knocking off my number holder in the third round, I moved up 5 places from the year before to second place.  It was my first great major in a while! Now, I am confident for Worlds 2014! I hope I can keep this mindset up.

I was on the podium with 2 of my good friends!

I am CONFIDENT that 2014 will be the best year yet!

Write down how your year went.  Maybe it was better than you thought.  Maybe it wasn't?  What could you do next year to achieve your dance goals?

~Bella Irish Dancer

"Never regret. If it's good, its wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience" 
~Victoria Holt


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